Monday, April 22, 2013

Task 3-4 Reflection

1.       What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?
This week I added information to the meaning of authentic assessment and how it is useful for our lesson scenario.  I have contributed by sharing the difference between authentic assessment and traditional assessments.  I had done all the final editions of the written portion while Jasmin had done the ScreenR video.  Natalie, Shyann, and Aaron had also submitted written examples of authentic assessments. 

2.       What role did you play on your team this week?
This week I played as the facilitator and assigned roles to my group mates.  Jasmin also assisted in assigning roles.  I had summarized our group opinion and meaning of authentic assessments.  I had made sure the section of the task looked organized and edited.

3.       How did you encourage and support your team members this week?
I encouraged my team members by reminding them to do their parts of the assignment.  I also supported them by agreeing to their examples and telling them they have been doing a good job.

4.       Did the group have any questions or problems this week?
This week our main concern was trying to meet up face-to-face, but most of us were able to make it this time, except for one group member.  This weeks’ assignment task was pretty thorough. 

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